It is almost Mental Health Awareness Week – and what better time to show your support and get everybody talking about the topic
When is Mental Health Awareness week and what is Mental Health Awareness week?
This year, Mental Health Awareness week takes place from Monday 13 to Sunday 19 May 2019. It is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation. Each year there is a different theme that aims to raise awareness around a particular topic. Previous themes have been stress, relationships, and loneliness. The theme for 2019 is Body Image – how we think and feel about our bodies.
Body Image
Body image issues are very important to discuss as they can affect all of us, at any age. This is a particularly prominent problem in todays society which is heavily instagram focused. Thousands of young people scroll through instagram everyday where they will be exposed to a variety of images. These are often photoshopped, which may cause a negative effect on their own perceptions of their body and what they ‘should’ look like versus what they actually look like.

The first Mental Health Awareness Week happened back in 2001. Since then, the way we view mental health has changed. The world has become a more accepting place. People feel more comfortable to open up. As a result, we have increased our understanding of the issues people are dealing with. It’s no surprise that Mental Health Awareness Week is now a firmer fixture on calendars around the UK and beyond.
Mental health problems can affect anyone, any day of the year. That is why it’s important to talk about them. This week in particular is a great time to have a chat with a friend, family member or colleague. Also have a think about your own wellbeing too.

No one should have to experience a mental health problem alone. There is lots of help and advice available if you feel you need the support. Do not be ashamed to seek help if you feel the need to. So spread the word and show your support for this important cause. We’re all in this together remember!
Sources: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week